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Beit Hashmonai, Israel.

06  /  01  /  2016

Private House

A young couple built a house and lived in it for a few years without really enjoying it. They did not feel that the house represented them at all. The spaces were not inviting, lacking character. The entrance to the house was boring and not practical. The overall atmosphere of sadness was aggravated by a mix of not matching colours, furniture, and used materials. The family space looked unflattering and dated, with "naked" windows all around, segmented AC grills, and random lighting fixtures. The floor tiles were poorly planned, with no attention to the edges and starting and finishing lines.

The clients asked us to help them turn this house into a home — a nice place to raise their three daughters and welcome family and friends. They wanted a space they would love but had a restricted budget, which limited our work within the existing frame. Therefore, we kept the wooden kitchen, which was relatively well made, but changed everything around it. Consequently, our design created a soft, airy, and comfortable space for family time.


Tel: +6140-399-1763


185 Humphries rd.,

Frankston South, 3199


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